Grant Application Process


Phase 1: Letter of Inquiry (LOI)

May 1 – Organizations are notified if they have been selected for the first stage of our cycle. Those that have will receive access to our LOI form.
May 31 – LOI form is due electronically. 
June 30 – Organizations are notified if they have been selected for the next stage of our cycle, which will either involve an RFP or, in our discretion, an immediate site visit.



July 15 – Depending upon the scope of the LOI request, certain applicants will be asked to prepare a more formal RFP and submit by this deadline.
July 31 – Organizations are notified if they have been selected to move onto the final stage of our cycle. Those that have will be contacted to set up a site visit by an SFF representative.


Phase 3 : Site Visits & Final Decisions

November 15 – Site visits must be completed.
December 30 – Grant Award Letters are distributed to our selected grantees.

Please note that the foundation does not accept unsolicited LOI's or Proposals at this time. Although we do our best to respond to every inquiry, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to return all emails and/or give input and feedback on proposal ideas or the status of your application.